Conference Schedule
The conference will contain the following technical elements:
Keynote Presentations – there will be two keynote presentations per day held across the entire conference duration except Sunday. Six world-leading scholars will be invited to share their research with the audience.
Lecture Sessions – There will be many lecture sessions from September 23 to September 25, each of which would be of about 15 minutes in duration. Lecturers from the industry and academia will present their views on research topics of their strength.
Poster Presentations and Industry Panels – Poster sessions will be held throughout the whole conference, allowing conference attendees to present their submitted research findings. A standard board of 4 × 8 feet will be provided for each poster. Industry Panels will be held in parallel with the postersessions.
Tutorial Sessions – Several tutorial sessions will be held in different conference rooms to provide introduction to the latest advances in some specific research areas.

Social Program
The IEEE MLSP 2024 will have two special sessions dedicated to social networking for conference attendees, i.e., Welcome Reception to be held on Sunday evening September 22 and Workshop Banquet to be held on Tuesday evening September 24. These two events will provide an avenue for academic scholars and industrial professionals to have many interactions and share their thoughts and visions on professional advancement. These events represent a great opportunity to grow your professional network, whether you are an established scholar, a young professional, or a student. Both events will be held in The Queen’s Tower Rooms.