Call for Special Sessions and Tutorials

Call for Special Sessions: The 34th MLSP workshop invites proposals for Special Sessions on topics that have not been covered in regular MLSP sessions and that have the potential to have a major impact on the field in the near future. Special Session proposals must contain the following information:

  • Title of the proposed Special Session
  • Names, affiliations, and contact information of the session organizers
  • Brief biographies of the session organizers
  • Brief description of proposed session topic and discussion on why this is a good topic for an MLSP 2024 special session (up to 500 words)
  • List of six (6) contributed papers (including titles, author names and affiliations, and a short abstract).

Special Session Proposals can be submitted via the Microsoft CMT Submission System. (Please submit to the “MLSP 2024 Special Session Proposal Submissions” track)
The papers in each accepted Special Session will undergo a review process similar to that of the regular papers submitted to MLSP 2024.

Call for Tutorials: The 34th MLSP workshop will host a tutorial program to offer participants the chance to explore innovative trends and learn new techniques related to machine learning and signal processing, both fitting for the research audience and industrial audience. Tutorial presenters will have registration fees waved for attending the conference. We solicit 4 tutorial sessions with each of one and a half hours on Sept. 22, 2024. Tutorial levels may be intermediate or advanced. Topics of broad interest are preferred. Tutorial proposals should not exceed 2 pages and should include the following essential information:

  • Title of the tutorial.
  • Presenter name(s), contact information, short biography (max. 1000 char.), and five recent related publications.
  • A summary of presenter’s previous tutorial delivery experience.
  • A detailed description of the tutorial outlining the topics and subtopics covered (including references to state-of-the-art).
  • The rationale for the tutorial.
  • A statement of any previous or related versions of this tutorial.

Tutorial Proposals can be submitted via the Microsoft CMT Submission System. (Please submit to the “MLSP 2024 Tutorial Proposal Submissions” track) Tutorial Proposal templates can be downloaded here.

Important Dates:

  • Deadline for special session proposal submissions: March 01, 2024 March 15, 2024
  • Notification of special session acceptance: April 01, 2024 April 15, 2024
  • Deadline for tutorial proposal submissions: May 31, 2024
  • Notification of tutorial proposal acceptance: June 21, 2024, July 01, 2024

All the deadlines are: 23:59:59 GMT.