Call for Data Competitions

The 34th MLSP Workshop is looking for Data Competitions (DC) that include new and exciting problems engaging machine learning and signal processing research communities, industries, and practitioners. (MLSP 2024 – Call for Data Competition)

Data Competition proposals have to contain the following information:

  • One-page call for participation
  • Data Competition description
  • Description of the dataset provided for training and evaluation criteria and methodology, guidelines for proponents, challenge timeline, and submission deadline
  • List of potential participants.

Participation: Data Competition organizers should facilitate participation, communication, and impact. Data Competition organizers are not allowed to participate in their competition.

Dataset: If applicable to the challenge, organizers are encouraged to provide at least one training dataset with both input and ground truth and one test dataset without the ground truth latter to be used for final assessment. A secondary test set for evaluation, which is not available to participants, is also encouraged to highlight the generalizability of their approach.

Evaluation: How the results are evaluated and ranked should be announced along with the challenge description. The evaluation methods should be unbiased and transparent to all participants. Provision of baseline approaches and evaluation metrics is encouraged.

Papers: Each challenge would have around 2 months to run the competition and rank/select winning teams. Each challenge can have up to 3 papers from the top-ranked teams. The format should be consistent with MLSP regular paper. The DC organizers have to send the paper acceptance notification within July, 15th. All the accepted and presented papers will be published in and indexed by IEEE Xplore. Please submit the DC papers to the “MLSP 2024 Data Competition Paper Submissions” track in the CMT system.

Sessions: DC sessions will be organized in the MLSP 2024 program. This session will include DC paper presentations (oral or poster) and a panel or open discussion.

DC Proposals have to be submitted before the deadline of April 1st, 2024, through the Microsoft CMT Submission System.

Please email your inquiry related to data competitions to: